Caring for Your Urethane Coating

When cleaning your urethane use non-chlorine bleach product, as chlorine bleach may discolor the urethane, or strip U.V. protectors, and stabilizers.
Hot water and soap with a pinch of elbow grease or a large wash brush can get out most all stubborn messes and is our first choice for cleaning your urethane.
We recommend cleaners like “ ZEP, Simple Green, and Orange Cleaners” or any other similar type of cleaner can be used.
For bacterial messes and other substances, limited use of anti-microbial soaps are o.k with ample rinsing with water.
Using an acrylic floor finish once a year will keep a nice finish and shine to the floor. Just clean well and dry then apply the finish of your choice.
DO NOT attempt to use “Amoral Brand” products on the urethanes to shine them up. These products have high acidic concentrations in them also not good for your urethane U.V. stabilizers, and protectors, as well as the urethane pigments or dyes.
With proper care, you can look forward to your urethane looking its best for a long time!